Hanaka 花戀肌 Review

Ello Ello Ello Angles !!!

Today I’ll be sharing with you guys two really famous beauty products that are made in Taiwan. They’re called ‘HANAKA花戀肌’

# 🍁Autumncbeauty # is really kind to sponsored me the Hanaka Black Rose Mask & Hanaka Chu Chu Lip Scrub.

I’ve tried both of the products lately & I guess pretty much of you wanted to know how awesome they’re

so I will be starting off with the Hanaka Black Rose Mask!



The one I’m holding on my hands are the Hanaka Black Rose Mask, They’re super hydrating and also cleans up black heads really quickly & clean.

Ingredients: Water, Rose Water, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone, Chamomile Extract, Grape Leaf Extract, Witch Hazel Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Cucurbita Pepo Fruit Ferment Extract, Kaolin

Has oily skin and couldn’t find the right black heads mask? Don’t worry! Now this is your best choice, Hanaka Black Rose Mask Suitable for oily skin types.

You can even apply them all over your face, how cool? 😍


Have you guys heard about the ‘Hanaka Chu Chu Lip Scrub’? Do you have really dry lips? And no idea to moistures them?

After trying out this super cute lip product you don’t have to worry about your dry lips anymore!

Aren’t the packaging cute? Awww

Ingredients: Sugar, Jojoba Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Lanolin Oil, Bees Wax, Wheat Germ Oil, Petroleum, Alpha-tocopherol, Wild Mango Oil, Strawberry Extract


Whenever I apply them on my lips I always feel like eating them cause they smell super sweet!
And I’ve personal tried the taste of it, they’re directly like sugar.
Strawberry & Cotton Candy Favor!
Non poisoned.


30 seconds to reproduce the infant matte finish lips 😍 Say NO ✖️to chapped lips! • Moisturize the lips & translucent soft • Whole food grade ingredients • Non-sticky • To get rid of the lip peeling and reduce lip wrinkles

Apply Twice A Week.

How To Use:
1. Wet your lips with clean tab water
2. Dry your lips with clean dry tissue
3. Get appropriate amount on your finger tips, and massage in circular motion about 10 seconds
4. Wash off with clean tab water
5. You’re Done!!


It’s even pink inside! How cute? 😍
Wanna know where I got them?


—- Drop your order now! —-
For more information 👇
wechat – michelle_xj117
{!!} Cheap & Affordable Price {!!}
Check them out!
Instagram – http://instagram.com/autumncbeauty
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/autumnC.bhcare

❤️Contact Me❤️
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/msxiaowen

Twitter: @_imjesss

Instagram: @_imjesss

Blog: https://imjesss.wordpress.com

Sponsorships/ Advertising/ For business inquiry ONLY
Email: xiiaowenn@hotmail.com

Thanks for reading!
Much Love, Jess


Vlog – Stressful Life

Ello Ello Ello Angels!!!

I’ve been having a very stressful month these days so there’s no where else to share my feelings, the best way for me is to blog.

Here’s a very short quote.

Life is full of pain.
Love is just an joke.

Don’t worry about me, I promise to be back for more blog post after this month. ☺️

Much Love, Jess xoxo


Vlog – Best Friend + Circle lens

Hello lovelies

I’m just having an school public holiday this week so I’ve lots of free time during this week and I decided to blog about my short holiday life.

It’s monday today, so my best friend Miko came to my house. & both of us decided to film { My Best Friend Does My Make Up } video. We had so much fun as well !!

{ Video link coming soon }


The pretty girl beside me named Miko my best friend seen grand1.

We met seen 2012 & we currently know each other for 3years. She’s an cheerful & crazy friend!! She has moved school few months ago we were all sad back than but luckily we still get to meet each other and even hangout sometimes

This is what she has done to my face when we’re filming hahahahaha


so many of you has been asking me wear I got my brown lenses. I got it in an Instagram online based named @polkadotz feel free to check them out! Their lenses are super comfy & natural :)) the brown circle lens I’m wearing it’s called the “Sugar Candy Brown” cheap & affordable.

Much love, xoxo.


Bali Trip !

I’m finally back !! :DD

Alright! Let’s go though some reviews on what I do & where I am on my Bali trip 🙂


The Monkey Temple ! There’re lots of monkeys which runs on to you and it was really scary back then haha.

My hotel selfie which you can find on my facebook profile as well 😉

Super Famous Bali Market ! There’s different kinds of pretty souvenirs & staff selling in the market which are really cheap.

Another hotel selfie ! Duck face 😛

This is another temple that are place in the side of the big sea, pretty sea water & strong fresh wind !

Selfie With The Loved One ! The one & only special women in my life ❤️ Yeah! It’s my mom ;D she’s a really cheerful & friendly mom which lots of my friend liked her. Hehe okay real talk. I didn’t notice that even Bali has Starbucks hahaha


I went to the pool this morning, don’t ask me if I have time. Yeah yea I do it’s the last day so yeah

Room Decoration ❤

I’m at the hotel lobby! Heading to the beach after everyone has had their breakfast.





Back view! loving my hair ❤

Me & My Brother ❤

Leaving The Hotel ! 😦

INDONESIA AIRPORT ! Heading back to Malaysia <33

—- FIND ME —-
Instagram: @_imjesss
Twitter: @_imjesss
Facebook: Jessica Cheah


Etude House – Eyes, Lips & Cheeks Products !

Every girl wants to be as beautiful as a princess right? So here’s something for you guys to give it a try!

Etude House is a really popular makeup & skincare store in many kinds of countries. Especially Korea! so I’ve decided to give it a try!

I’ve bought 4 make up products from etude house, which is an eye, lip & cheek product! I haven’t tried them on but I’ll be trying it out soon.

Let’s Start On The First Product ✌️

Surprise Essence Concealer Natural Beige

Liquid concealer from Etude House, comes in with 2 shades, #1Light & #2natural. I got it in #2, I’ve tried this on my hand & it has a really good coverage it stays really really long! It is also easy to cover up your dark circle, what I liked about it is, it doesn’t smell as bad as the others. It smells just great. Not oily Not sticky !
👇 — Rating — 👇
I’ll give it 9 out of 10.

Dear My Enamel Gloss

Dear Dealing Tint, stays really long as well. Perfect for creating the korean ulazzang lips! Comes in with lots of diffract color. It smells directly like an strawberry juice 😍
👇 — Rating — 👇
I’ll give it a 9 out of 10 as well.

Lovely Cookie Blusher

I got myself 2 diffract blusher, #9 Peach Cloux Wafer & #11 Strawberry Muffin! Shade #11 perfect for cute spring look, Shade #9 perfect for summer look 😍
👇 — Rating — 👇
8 out of 10.





Etude House Product Review video coming soon !

For more information: http://www.etude.com.my/

Instagram: @_imjesss
Twitter: @imjesss
Blog: imjesss.wordpress.com

Much Love,


Con Review !

Hello Angles!

Today’s review will be the colored lenses that I daily apply on to school.


Optical Con.
Color : Black
Power : -250(L) -175(R)
MM : 14.0mm
Water % : 38%

Wearing glasses just makes me feel a little uncomfortable, Not trying to say that glasses aren’t good. Somehow wearing lenses aren’t good either!

Before applying lenses make sure that your hands are clean enough or else you’ll get an bad effect for your eyes.
Always let your lens store for 6hours or overnight after cleaning it!
If you wear it immediately after cleaning it with your solution it might burn your eyes.

Try finding yourself a perfect pair of lenses by asking a doctor. It might help!

Online Lenses Vs Optical Lenses ?

For those who are the first time wearing colored lenses which is all the beginners I highly recommend to get it from the optical shop, it’s safer for beginners !

For people who want your eyes to have a natural effect I recommend to get it on the optical shop, there’re so much smaller, probably it’ll be around 14-14.5mm.

But if you’re a kind of girl who loves dolly big eye, try getting it from an online store.

Pretty much people has been asking me when did I started wearing colored lenses. So I started wearing colored lenses since I was 13, so I’m currently 15 year old this year it’s been like almost 3year wearing colored lenses.

Although you’re wearing lenses but always make sure to check the time. Don’t wear lenses more then 6-8hours, it’ll directly burn your eyes & you might even get a serious eye effected problem! Safety always comes first! Make sure to bring along eye drops if you’re wearing a whole day con.

—- Product I Used —-
Cleansing Solution: Opti-Free
Optical Lens: Color Waves

I’ll be leaving Malaysia next week for a 4day trip in Bali, will be back for more new blog post soon. Bye ❤

—- FIND ME —-
Instagram: @imjessa
Twitter: @_imjesss
YouTube: xiiao wenn

Thanks for reading ❤️

Beach Holiday Fashion & The Ultimate Guide To Sunscreen


Beach Fashion #OOTD

The picture above is me showing you how to quickly change up your look when spending the day into a night at the beach. I always prefer wearing crop top in the beach because I could probably protect half of my skin in the same time! Its better so you won’t get a huge sun burn. Sunscreen are also important so I bring it along with me although I’m wearing an crop top!

Now let’s talk about sunscreen 😋

sunscreen helps protect our skin against UVA & UVB rays. UV rays damage the skin age it prematurely and increase risk of.

it’s the main cause for aging and wrinkling 90% wrinkles are usually caused by sun damage! UVA rays penetrate through just about anything even the skin!

Have you ever heard of sunburn?
Well thank you bb for that. It’s not as potent as UVA but it is the central cause of sunburning & tanning.

So how can you protect yourself from sun damage?

Daily use of SPF
SPF = Sun Protection Factor
And also with UBV protection

SPF is a gauge of how much time of person can be expos to the sun before getting burn so here’s how you can make sunblock SPF numbers.

SPF5 = 50minute protection (so you have to reapply every 50minutes)

But let’s be real. Reapplying every 50minutes can take up way too much time. So you have to apply sunscreen over make up too? Shhhhh no way!

SPF15 = 2 & a half hours protection.

SPF30 = 5hours protection.

SPF90= 15hours of protection. (That’s pretty hardcore)

You also have PA which means UVA protection.

PA+ is the list of normal protection you can start of with.

PA++ is the midden amount.

& PA+++ is the most amount.

When you’re shopping around to find your sunscreen make sure to read the product it has to has both UVA & UVB protection.

So who should apply sunscreen?

Anyone over the age of 6months should wear sunscreen daily because you’re going to expos for breath periods through out the day even you work indoor If you’re close to windows you need sunscreen because some windows don’t have the effect of UV rays.

So which sunscreen should I use?

Well, it depends on how fair your skin is. The fairer the skin tone or if you burn easily the higher the SPF should be. And there’s also different types of sunscreen that you can use. There’s chemical & physical.

Common chemical sunscreen ingredients: Octylcrylene, avobenzone, octisalate, oxybenzone, homosalate. Melioplex, 4-MBC, mexorly SX & XL. Timosorb S & M uvinul T 150. Uvinul A plus.

Common physical sunscreen ingredients: Titanium dioxide, zinc oxide.

Physical sunscreen can sometimes leave some white spots & it’s not the best compared with the chemical sunscreen.

However, physical sunscreen are recommended to those sensitive skin. Chemical sunscreen won’t leave that white spots & it won’t feels as heavy as your face, has the most natural finish & great in photos.

Alright guys! that’s pretty much it.

The sooner you start wearing sunscreen on a daily bases the more your skin look better.

Good luck on finding a perfect sunscreen that works well for you!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msxiaowen
Instagram: @imjesss
Twitter: @_imjesss
Blog: imjesss.wordpress.com

Thanks for reading ! ❤️


How to remove black heads ?

So far I’ve been asked by many of you that how do I remove my black heads. So today I’m here to tell you about it !

I found a really awesome japan product called the natural charcoal pore care. I’ll put the packaged picture down below. 🙂

Should we start now ? 🙉 Hehe

So it’s the “Daiso natural charcoal pore care pack” I’ve started using this since last year so I’ve also been using it around half a month.

It really works well, & it also helps to remove half of your black heads around your nose area.

I get it for only 5bucks in daiso 👏
1box comes in with 4packs!

How To Use ?

1. Wet your nose after washing. (It is hard to paste on dried skin, Do not directly wet the pack as it may weaken effect)
2. Remove transparent sheet by dried hand.
3. Paste the sheet from the middle of pack and press after the shape of your nose.
4. Let it dry for 10-15minutes.
5. Remove it from the outer part to middle. (Let the pack when removing is hard or painful, 1time per a week is recommended)

Simple & Fast !


Stop using when it causes skin trouble. Immediately stop using and see dermatologists when it causes swell. Itching, or irruption on skin. Stop using when it feels not good for your skin. This is not ideal for the person who has skin trouble with plaster or poultice. Avoid pasting around mouth or eyes. Use it immediately after unsealing. High humidity will interrupt its absorption paste it longer then usual when using in humid space.

—- I’m not paid for this, it’s just my personal opinions. —-

Thanks for reading ! xoxo

🌹🌺 Make life beautiful 🌷🌸

Bye Bye 🙈


🎉 Happy New Year 🎉

Happy new year babes 😀 Today’s my first time updated my blog & I’m proud that I finally create an blogspot which I always wanted to. Blogging means a lot to me because I’m really happy to share things that happened in my life with people out there! If there’s people who did followed me in my Instagram & facebook account would probably know I love blogging & staff. Hoping to be an really awesome blogger in the future, and it’s a pleasure to share staff that happened in my life to all of you. ❤️ Stalk me now 👇

Follow Me ✉️

Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/msxiaowen?__user=100002587806378

Instagram : http://instagram.com/_imjesss

WordPress/Blog : https://imjesss.wordpress.com/wp-admin/
