How to remove black heads ?

So far I’ve been asked by many of you that how do I remove my black heads. So today I’m here to tell you about it !

I found a really awesome japan product called the natural charcoal pore care. I’ll put the packaged picture down below. 🙂

Should we start now ? 🙉 Hehe

So it’s the “Daiso natural charcoal pore care pack” I’ve started using this since last year so I’ve also been using it around half a month.

It really works well, & it also helps to remove half of your black heads around your nose area.

I get it for only 5bucks in daiso 👏
1box comes in with 4packs!

How To Use ?

1. Wet your nose after washing. (It is hard to paste on dried skin, Do not directly wet the pack as it may weaken effect)
2. Remove transparent sheet by dried hand.
3. Paste the sheet from the middle of pack and press after the shape of your nose.
4. Let it dry for 10-15minutes.
5. Remove it from the outer part to middle. (Let the pack when removing is hard or painful, 1time per a week is recommended)

Simple & Fast !


Stop using when it causes skin trouble. Immediately stop using and see dermatologists when it causes swell. Itching, or irruption on skin. Stop using when it feels not good for your skin. This is not ideal for the person who has skin trouble with plaster or poultice. Avoid pasting around mouth or eyes. Use it immediately after unsealing. High humidity will interrupt its absorption paste it longer then usual when using in humid space.

—- I’m not paid for this, it’s just my personal opinions. —-

Thanks for reading ! xoxo

🌹🌺 Make life beautiful 🌷🌸

Bye Bye 🙈


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