Beach Holiday Fashion & The Ultimate Guide To Sunscreen


Beach Fashion #OOTD

The picture above is me showing you how to quickly change up your look when spending the day into a night at the beach. I always prefer wearing crop top in the beach because I could probably protect half of my skin in the same time! Its better so you won’t get a huge sun burn. Sunscreen are also important so I bring it along with me although I’m wearing an crop top!

Now let’s talk about sunscreen 😋

sunscreen helps protect our skin against UVA & UVB rays. UV rays damage the skin age it prematurely and increase risk of.

it’s the main cause for aging and wrinkling 90% wrinkles are usually caused by sun damage! UVA rays penetrate through just about anything even the skin!

Have you ever heard of sunburn?
Well thank you bb for that. It’s not as potent as UVA but it is the central cause of sunburning & tanning.

So how can you protect yourself from sun damage?

Daily use of SPF
SPF = Sun Protection Factor
And also with UBV protection

SPF is a gauge of how much time of person can be expos to the sun before getting burn so here’s how you can make sunblock SPF numbers.

SPF5 = 50minute protection (so you have to reapply every 50minutes)

But let’s be real. Reapplying every 50minutes can take up way too much time. So you have to apply sunscreen over make up too? Shhhhh no way!

SPF15 = 2 & a half hours protection.

SPF30 = 5hours protection.

SPF90= 15hours of protection. (That’s pretty hardcore)

You also have PA which means UVA protection.

PA+ is the list of normal protection you can start of with.

PA++ is the midden amount.

& PA+++ is the most amount.

When you’re shopping around to find your sunscreen make sure to read the product it has to has both UVA & UVB protection.

So who should apply sunscreen?

Anyone over the age of 6months should wear sunscreen daily because you’re going to expos for breath periods through out the day even you work indoor If you’re close to windows you need sunscreen because some windows don’t have the effect of UV rays.

So which sunscreen should I use?

Well, it depends on how fair your skin is. The fairer the skin tone or if you burn easily the higher the SPF should be. And there’s also different types of sunscreen that you can use. There’s chemical & physical.

Common chemical sunscreen ingredients: Octylcrylene, avobenzone, octisalate, oxybenzone, homosalate. Melioplex, 4-MBC, mexorly SX & XL. Timosorb S & M uvinul T 150. Uvinul A plus.

Common physical sunscreen ingredients: Titanium dioxide, zinc oxide.

Physical sunscreen can sometimes leave some white spots & it’s not the best compared with the chemical sunscreen.

However, physical sunscreen are recommended to those sensitive skin. Chemical sunscreen won’t leave that white spots & it won’t feels as heavy as your face, has the most natural finish & great in photos.

Alright guys! that’s pretty much it.

The sooner you start wearing sunscreen on a daily bases the more your skin look better.

Good luck on finding a perfect sunscreen that works well for you!

Instagram: @imjesss
Twitter: @_imjesss

Thanks for reading ! ❤️


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