Vlog – Best Friend + Circle lens

Hello lovelies

I’m just having an school public holiday this week so I’ve lots of free time during this week and I decided to blog about my short holiday life.

It’s monday today, so my best friend Miko came to my house. & both of us decided to film { My Best Friend Does My Make Up } video. We had so much fun as well !!

{ Video link coming soon }


The pretty girl beside me named Miko my best friend seen grand1.

We met seen 2012 & we currently know each other for 3years. She’s an cheerful & crazy friend!! She has moved school few months ago we were all sad back than but luckily we still get to meet each other and even hangout sometimes

This is what she has done to my face when we’re filming hahahahaha


so many of you has been asking me wear I got my brown lenses. I got it in an Instagram online based named @polkadotz feel free to check them out! Their lenses are super comfy & natural :)) the brown circle lens I’m wearing it’s called the “Sugar Candy Brown” cheap & affordable.

Much love, xoxo.
